(We know an average-size mouse won’t work for everyone, but we used this information to check that our panel had a representative spread of hand sizes.) Using hand anthropometric data collected by the Georgia Tech Research Institute (taken from studies conducted in 20), we combined the stated hand measurements to find that the average palm size is 4 inches and the average middle finger length is 2.95 inches. Comfort varies based on hand size, so we sought out average hand measurements for adults.

Tap on the Logitech device you want to connect to from the Other Devices list.Upon pairing, the LED light on the Logitech device stops blinking and glows steady for 5 seconds. Select name of the Logitech device you want to connect from the list of available devices and click Pair.Go to Settings and Networks and select Bluetooth.Select the name of the Logitech device you want to connect to from the list of available devices and click Connect.
#G305 bluetooth Bluetooth
NOTE: If you had to click on Bluetooth disabled, that means the Bluetooth connection on your Chrome device needs to first be enabled. Click Bluetooth enabled or Bluetooth disabled in the pop-up menu.Click the status area in the lower right corner of your desktop.Upon pairing, the LED light on your Logitech device stops blinking and glows steady for 5 seconds. Select the Logitech device you want to connect to from the Devices list and click Pair.Open System Preferences and click Bluetooth.If you have not been able to connect your device, repeat the pairing steps and wait a while before you test the connection.
#G305 bluetooth download
NOTE: It may take up to five minutes for Windows to download and enable all drivers, depending on your computer's specifications and your internet speed.

#G305 bluetooth how to
The following steps show you how to prepare your Logitech device for Bluetooth pairing and then how to pair it to computers or devices running: